«Nor does history vanish. Prayer, because it is nourished by the gift of God present and at work in our lives, must always be marked by remembrance. The memory of God’s works is central to the experience of the covenant between God and his people. God wished to enter history, and so our prayer is interwoven with memories. We think back not only on his revealed Word, but also on our own lives, the lives of others, and all that the Lord has done in his Church». Pope Francis, Exhortatio Apostolica Gaudete et exultate (¶ 153). 



This part of the site is intended to enable Catholics and in particular seminarians who do not have access to good libraries to use develop their understanding of Church History. At present the resources made available here are limited, but the Comitato will be adding to them frequently, so that if you do not find what you want this time it may be worth revisiting the site later. Note that this site does not represent an ‘official line’ of the Comitato, but is simply an effort to provide useful materials that might not otherwise available to people interested in Ecclesiastical History who do not have access to large academic libraries.